Welcome to the realm of our Energetic Evolution. I have defined Energetics as the study and use of natural energies for beneficial purposes.
Learn how you can utilize Energetics for your own well-being.
Energetic concepts were utilized in the ENERGEMS to neutralize the toxicity in electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), geopathic and atmospathic stresses. Energems provide EMF protection, geopathic stress protection and cellphone/mobile phone protection.
Energetic concepts were utilized in the ENERDISCS to enable us to transmute water into cleansing and energizing essences - easily and forever.
My book Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces That Can Make You Sick describes the Energems and Enerdiscs in detail. It also explains how you can learn to take responsibility for your own well-being and learn to test and cleanse yourself, naturally.
My new healing system detailed in this book - Life Evolving Energetics System (LEES) guides you into using simple energetic Life Force Aphorisms — sayings to teach your body to evolve and automatically cleanse and heal itself to the deepest levels - including the DNA - and all energetically.
Click on the links above to learn more about the ENERGEMS and ENERDISCS and also about the book and EEC cards.
Is Your House Silently Killing You?
Or is it Your Cell Phone?
Or Both?
"Sick House" Survivor Reveals Cures to Heal Your Life
Karen While Living in Her "Sick House" |
Karen While Living in Her "Healthy House" |
Medical Doctor Finds Up to 92% of Chronically Ill Live in “Sick Houses”
The late Dr. Hans Nieper, MD, author and NASA Scientist decades ago discovered the same mysterious cause of “sick houses” that Karen discovered. This brilliant German physician found that “sick houses” create sick people! He wrote that over 92% of cancer patients, up to 80% of Multiple Sclerosis patients and other chronically ill patients all lived in “sick houses.”
5 Year Upgrade Feature - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

The numbers on the photograph indicate the product order number.
Mission Statement: The ENERGEMS are a result of my experiences, observations, research and healing from exposure to electromagnetic, geopathic, microwave and lightning protection system stresses. The toxins from these sources were the primary cause of my husband's illness and subsequent death from cancer as well as my previous neurological disorders. The ENERGEMS have been made available so that others can benefit from our experiences. Energetics International, Inc. has chosen to produce the most effective, easy-to-use and inexpensive product that neutralizes these toxins. In addition, we will continue our research in order to maintain this high standard. This allows the ENERGEMS to be upgraded, as necessary, to ensure that all future similar toxins will be neutralized.
You may download this test form that is from my book. It can be utilized as a guide in the testing procedure as well as being completed during each testing session. The sequence in the form follows as much as practical the sequence in the book, so I suggest referring to the form as each section is studied.