Products to neutralize the toxicity in electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), geopathic and atmospathic stresses. Energems provide EMF protection, geopathic stress protection and cellphone/mobile phone protection.    

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Welcome to my Energetics Health Secrets Video Blog

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Thank you for visiting my Energetics  Health Secrets Video Blog.  I recommend that you watch these videos in order starting with #1.  They will make more sense that way.

But if you are ready to buy an ENERGEM for your home, then watch Video #8 to learn which one is best for you.  Then click on “Energem Products” in the left column, place your order and go back to Video #1. If you are ready to buy an ENERGEM for your cell phone, then watch Video #9.  Then click on “Energem Products” on the left, place your order and go back to Video #1.       I invite you to ask me questions as well as leave relevant comments.  I’ll take the best of the questions and answer them in future videos.

Video #1: Health Secrets That Took Me From Wheel Chair to Ski Bum!

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

In this introduction to my Health Secrets Video Series, learn about an invisible energy that is so toxic and so powerful that it caused my husband’s death from cancer and put me in a wheel chair. It is something that is in YOUR HOME and every home and building in every civilized country in the world.

Are you as healthy as you’d like to be or do you feel like something is missing or keeping you from leading the healthy and joyful life you KNOW is possible for you? What I developed works, because my life depended upon it — does your life?

Video #2: Is Your House Silently Killing You?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

“Survivor reveals clues about “Sick Houses.”  Is your house making you sick?

Learn secrets about this invisible, hidden danger lurking in ALL homes that’s silently making us sick and slowly even killing us!  Learn how this “Sick House” survivor’s discoveries made her healthier and healthier and gradually developed into a new energetic cleansing and healing system.

Video #3: What was this Mysterious Cause in your Sick House that Killed Your Husband and Made You a Virtual Invalid?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Learn about this mysterious cause of many chronic, debilitating and life-threatening diseases that I discovered in my home that was the same as the late Dr. Hans Nieper had found decades earlier – but I also developed a Solution to heal Sick Houses.

Video #4: Can You Tell Me More About Geopathic Stress and Electromagnetic Stress and how this Radiation Poisoning is Making Us Sick?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Learn about this invisible “Energy Toxicity” that is affecting everyone – including you – but most people don’t even know about it.

Video #5: How do I Know if I’m Living in a “Sick House?” What are the Diseases and Symptoms Caused by Geopathic Stress and Electromagnetic Stress?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Learn the symptoms and diseases to look for to tell you how sick your house is.

Video #6: Do Microwave Ovens Cause Nuked Non-Food?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Are you afraid of eating microwaved food?  Did you know that when you turn on your microwave oven – even just for a minute – that those frequencies travel via the electrical wiring to your refrigerator and freezer and zap those foods also!In this short video, you’ll learn how to “fix” microwave ovens so they don’t zap all the nutrients out of your food – AND EVEN OUT OF YOU!

Video #7:

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Video being developed.

Video #8: What are Your Solutions to Neutralize Geopathic Stress and Electromagnetic Stress?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Is geopathic stress keeping you sick?  Watch this video to learn how to easily and inexpensively neutralize this block to healing from geopathic and electromagnetic (emfs from electricity) stresses in your home – including using microwave ovens, cordless phones and even WiFi. Change your “Sick House” into your Healthy Home, Sweet Home!

Learn about advanced testing techniques to know what products are working for you and what are not – and may even be making you sicker.

Video #9: How Can I Get Rid of my Headaches Caused by My Cell Phone?

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Watch this video to also learn if your cell phone can make you healthier – not just protect you from the microwave radiation and other toxicity from using your cell phone!


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